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    FESTAC @ 45

    The biggest gathering of Africans, and Africans in diaspora was at FESTAC 77 to showcase the mosaic of African cultures, celebrate our heritage and diversity. Celebrate Black History Month with the Center for Black And African Arts And Civilization in commemoration of FESTAC@45 More

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    Ohueje Ohinuoyi

    The Ohueje Ohinuoyi of Ebiraland is a spectacular celebration of culture and heritage. A festivity reconnecting kinship, the 6th edition of the festival spotlights the itinochi textile material, a product of the cottage industry of weaving and a timeless heritage of the Ebira people. More

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    Burial Culture In Africa

    Africa, in its diversity has several rich cultural practices peculiar to its many communities. Burial culture is a spectacle in Africa, from the obviously elaborate to the solemn rites of passage. More

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    Badagry: An Interaction With Nature and History

    Located in the bustling city of Lagos, the coastal town of Badagry is a shift away from the ostentatious show that Lagos presents. Occupying the fringes of the border between Nigeria and Benin Republic, this historical town is predominantly occupied by the Egun people, and has attained the status of Nigeria’s choicest tourism destination. Notable […] More

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    Badagry Diaspora Festival 2019: A Re-Connection To Motherland


    Against the background of a sad historical past, Badagry is leading the charge for the rectification of a rather troubling part of that historical past dating to the 18th century. Dubbed “A Pilgrimage To The Motherland: The Third Coming”; the Badagry Diaspora Festival 2019, was jointly organized by Door of Return Initiative Nigeria (DRIN) and […] More

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    The Pride Of An African Woman – Her Hair

    Attached primarily to its aesthetic value, African natural hair has trumped its perceived discriminatory status to become one of the most accepted and sought after around the world. Historically, hair is a source of identity. In our contemporary world, African hair has witnessed a transformation from just an identity to one which evokes pride, in […] More

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    Ethiopian Envoy Pays Courtesy Visit To Goge Africa

    Spurred by the interconnection between tourism and trade, countries are consistently seeking strategic partnership with top tourism stakeholders, to shore up the visibility of their tourism assets. As such, accelerating the frontiers of trade and investment, through promotion of tourism destinations, is a key component of these partnerships. Driven by the need to forge mutually […] More